Transport management in Kathmandu

As the number of vehicles plying on the roads of Kathmandu city has reached 800,000, and it is indispensable to take technical support to manage the traffic in Kathmandu. Traffic management has been turning into a major challenge for big cities across the world. The problem of traffic is directly linked with a country’s economic progress because the number vehicle rises with economic development. There are basically two alternatives to resolve the traffic congestion—to widen the road and manage the traffic.

Author : Ashish Gajurel

It is not only in Kathmandu city but the traffic management seems weak across the country. Even in this age of advanced technology, Nepal government still hasn’t been able to rid itself from manual traffic management system. It is almost impossible to manage around 800,000 vehicles that ply in Kathmandu. That’s why it is necessary to take technical support to manage traffic in Kathmandu. The concerned bodies should its seriousness to tackle the issue by formulating and implementing the action plan.

There is no doubt that only a scientific traffic management will ensure a long-term will ensure a long-term solution for the traffic. This should start with the operation of vehicular movement with the traffic lights. It would not be possible for two traffic policemen stationed at two different junctions to coordinate. Traffic lights can be operated through computer programing to conduct a smooth flow of traffic. The main responsibility of traffic police is to take action against traffic rule violators and make them abide by traffic rules. The traffic policemen should be superseded by technology as soon as possible.

These days the roads of Kathmandu valley are being widened which is a crucial part of traffic management. But it is wrong to assume it to be the ultimate solution for managing the traffic. From the perspective of traffic engineering, the widening of road is an encouragement for the general public to buy private vehicle. After Koteshwor-Bhaktapur stretch of Araniko Highway was widened, a growing number of people living in the area bought private vehicles. It will be easier to operate private vehicles without any hassle of traffic jam when the road is widened. But if the number of vehicles keeps growing, one day it will reach a saturation point and there will be demand for even wider road. It will ultimately lead to traffic problem. Therefore, road widening is only a temporary solution of traffic congestion.

Another way to manage traffic is to improve public service. The use of private vehicles will go down, if “mass transit” could be developed properly. The mass transportation will reduce road accidents and also helps in resolving the problem of traffic management. The public transports operating in Nepal are more oriented to business than service. People are forced to commute with difficulty as the transportation are operated with the intention to earn money. A study has shown that Nepal’s public transportation service is declining. The tendency of drivers and bus helpers to carry passengers beyond capacity and their attitude had turned off the people. They are attracted to private vehicles.

More importantly, small vehicles are growing day by day in the Capital. Every year around 20 percent of vehicles are growing in Kathmandu. If the trend continues, it will be difficult to manage traffic no matter how wide the road is expanded. Thus, big vehicles are the alternative to small vehicles. The traffic management will take a giant leap forward if big vehicles could be brought to replace smaller vehicles. While displacing the small vehicles, the authority should come up with a package solution of alternative employment for those employed in small vehicle sector. The rise in big vehicles will make the number of vehicles sparse.

There is also a huge possibility for train in the city. But Nepal government has not seen the potentiality of railway service in city. Though railway concepts have been floated, it will take years for the government to turn them into reality given the government’s approach. In many countries, hundreds of thousands of people commute by railway. As the development and operation of train is very expensive, the alternative could be bus transit.

There is also a good possibility for rail in the city. But Nepal government has been operating 56-seater Sajha Yatayat buses. The government should encourage operation of big buses in Kathmandu and small vehicles should be allowed only in inner roads. Big vehicles consume less fuel that will be helpful in keeping the environment clean. Bigger cities in the world are operating big buses. Today the roads have become a torture place for Nepali people. People are not being able to reach their destinations on time due to traffic jams and the roads are becoming chaotic and accidents have been rising. The authority should bring the provision of stern legal action.

It’s high time that Nepal government learnt from the experiences of other cities around the world to promote public transportation. The public transport has the capacity to improve the people’s living standards, resolve the challenges of growing vehicles and control the road accidents. Today Nepali people need a clean, secured, comfortable and cheap public transport that can attract and serve people from all classes. When the service of public transport reaches the level of private transport, then people from all class will be attracted to public transport. In developed country, people from all class use public transport. The public transportation service should be operated round the clock in order to make it more credible. Easy means of transportation will be helpful in increasing economic situation. People can easily commute to work and won’t have to worry about getting back home after work.

The author is a transportation and traffic engineer