The COP 25 has been scheduled to take place from coming December 2-13 in Madrid of Spain. The event was earlier decided to be organised in Chile, and it was rescheduled owning to the Chile’s political instability. However, Chile will chair the conference. Chief of Climate Change Division, Ministry of Forest and Environment, Dr Maheshwor Dhakal said the status paper for the COP was prepared after going through several rounds of discussions with the government and non-government stakeholders.
Snow melting, spatial distribution of rainfall, drought, and partial rainfall are the results of climate change which will end in several sorts of natural calamities including flooding, landslide and desertification. The paper has suggested the role required to be played by Nepal for adaptation of climate change impact and mitigation of GHG emissions and the ways for garnering more and more economic assistance for the implementation of coping strategies.
The paper highlights issues that Nepal should raise during the Conference. The COP 25 is important in view of presenting plans of action to implement the Paris Agreement, the outcome of COP-21, which promises to pursue efforts to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degree Celsius and if this becomes not possible, to keep it below 2 degree Celsius..
Effective measures and effective implementation to limit temperature rise Climate change expert Manjit Dhakal said that all the Paris Agreement signatory countries should determine goals, timeframe and budget related to climate change to reduce national emissions and adapt to impacts of climate change.
Meanwhile, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), having 195 member nations, had published a report to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degree Celsius above the pre-industrial levels. Dhakal said that the report had urged all the member countries to launch and implement climate actions to limit the temperature increase to the recommended level.
As the industrialized countries are mainly responsible for rising concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere while the developing and least developed countries continue to bear the brunt of global warming, a special emphasis has been laid on the industrial and developed countries to reduce their rate of the carbon emission.
The report forewarns that failure to reduce the carbon emission would lead to extinction of various spices of flora and fauna, food crisis and risk of climate induced disasters among others. To meet the urgent need to address the climate change and achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, the UN Secretary-General on September 23 this year organized the UN Climate Summit Action.
The participants, which included the Head of the Governments from various UN-member states, were urged to bring ambitious and urgent measure to tackle the climate crisis rather than delivering rhetoric addresses. Nepal also had also its ministerial level participation in that meeting and had expressed its commitment but much to the dismay, not all countries seem to spring into action to implement their commitments.
Similarly, to strategize and prepare for COP25, a PreCOP25 meeting was organized in Costa Rica from 8-10 October where the participant countries were requested to come up with ambitious action-plans to come up with measures for climate action.
Likewise, ministers from the 47 Least Developed Countries (LCDs) had met in Bhutan on October 24-25 this year ahead of COP25 to coordinate the LDC groups approach to securing a more ambitious and urgent response to the climate crisis. The participants in the event had also underscored the need for walking the talk rather than delivering talks. RSS