More than 33,000 have been affected by the incidents, while over 2,000 have been rescued, said the Home Ministry. Prompt rescue and relief efforts are in place, said Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa. Landslides have occurred in 51 places across the country so far, said Bed Nidhi Khanal, chief of the National Emergency Operation Centre under the Home Ministry.
The governments of all three levels, security agencies, local communities and various organisations have involved in rescue and relief efforts, he said. “Inflatable rubber boats are in short supply in Tarai for rescue efforts. It seems local levels have not prioritised them for rescue endeavours. However, we are prompting rescue by using whatever resources are available,” he said. Biratnagar under water Large parts of Biratnagar Metropolitan City have been submerged under water due to incessant rain since the past five days.
More than 80 houses in Biratnagar-12 have been flooded, said ward chairperson Hiralal Kamat. The flood victims have taken a shelter in local community schools, high areas and community buildings, said the metropolis mayor Bhim Parajuli, adding that the metropolis have managed lodging and food for the victims. “Efforts are ongoing to collect details of loss in the disaster and rescue and relief endeavours are on,” he said.
So far two persons were killed, and two disappeared in flooding and landslides caused by rains in Morang district, said Chief District Officer Ramesh KC, adding that over 5,000 people have been affected. RSS